
Service is not a position in a committee; it is a posture in the heart.

(Living Clean - Being of Service) 

The service we do in our recovery is many things. We take a more active role in our everyday lives, serving others as better friends, better family members, better workers, and better citizens. When we find an NA meeting where we feel at home and NA friends with whom we identify, we’ve found a home group, a base for our own recovery and a place where we can serve other addicts by sharing our recovery with them. (A Guide to Local Service)

‘Freedom springs from the newfound passion when we find our niche in service.’  - SPAD November 10

Regional Meeting

The Ontario Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous meets the third Sunday in January, April, July and October. Anyone can join us. 

The next meeting is Sunday, Apr 20th, 2024 at 10am ET

Zoom Link:

Fellowship Development Meeting

The next Regional Fellowship Development Team meeting is on Sunday,February 23th, 2025 at 6:00 pm EST on the Zoom platform. Anyone can join us. 

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 885 2784 2553 Passcode: 1212


Newcomer Meeting

Mondays at 7pm ET

Zoom ID: 819 5172 0212 PW: 1212


Accessibility Advisory Workgroup

Mar 2nd, 2025 at 7pm ET

Zoom ID: 872 5630 2512 PW: 1212


Helpline Workgroup

First Saturday of every month at 9am ET

Zoom ID: 841 3550 1322 PW: 1212


Sponsorship Behind the Walls

Feb 22nd at 11am ET (and then every other month, last Sat at 11am ET)
Zoom ID: 879 4727 1084 PW: 1212


Public Relations Workgroup

Leader has recently been elected!

Stay tuned for meeting information.


Hospitals & Institutions Workgroup

Third Sunday of every month at 2pm ET
Zoom ID: 851 8157 6815 PW: 1212



If you are interested in any of the above positions, or know someone who might be, please email

what is service?

Service work is carrying the message to the addict who still suffers. There are many different ways that we can be of service in NA. Some members volunteer on the helpline sharing a message of hope with struggling addicts, their family members, and professionals. Some members share their experience, strength and hope on speaker panels, carrying the NA message into jails, treatment centers, and other institutions. There are many ways to be of service at many different levels. As we stay clean and work the Twelve Steps, we come to find our niche in service. Being of service is one of the ways in which we practice our Twelfth Step. It's also a way of expressing our gratitude for the program of Narcotics Anonymous. 

What is the na message?

The NA message is that an addict, any addict, can stop using drugs, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live. When all is said and done, our primary purpose can only be to carry the message to the addict who still suffers because that is all we have to give.

How do i start giving back?

Service usually starts at the “homegroup” level. A homegroup is a particular NA Group that you commit to attending on a regular basis. A homegroup provides many opportunities for you to involve yourself in the NA Fellowship, making it a great place to start giving back. Members often start by showing up early to help set up, or staying after the meeting to help clean up.

"In committing to our homegroup, we make a personal commitment to NA unity. That commitment not only enhances our own recovery, it helps ensure recovery is available for others. Our home group also gives us a place in which to participate in NA’s decision-making processes."

-The Group Booklet

what is regional service?

The Ontario Regional Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous serves the Areas within the geographical boundaries of Ontario and Manitoba. Here are just some of the services we provide:

We meet four times per year, as listed below:

how can i learn about other TYPES of service?

There are a variety of service handbooks and resources available through NA World Services. Click here to learn more.